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i was down with rashes today because i was allergic to CHOCOLATES yes you didnt see it wrong chocolates!!! haish damn saded. look to the brighter side i dont really like chocolates to begin with.
anw rashes is not the main point... oh wait it is! because i had rashes i had to leave school early today. it felt really weird. then right when i got home i was sent off again by my grandmother to the polyclinic to see a doctor. and because of swine flu i had to queue up for 15 mins to take my tempt. and head off to the main entrance with a mask that restrict my breathing so much i almost hyperventilated. but wait thats not the main point. the main point is that i waited for two hours before i saw the no. 2138 flash across the queue no. flashing thing. i took a look at my ticket any "hey looks like my no. lets go in" when i got in the first thing the doctor did was stare at me weirdly. i sat down.he asked me to confirm my no. again i said 2183. he stares at me with a amused look and say" yup i called for 2138 not 2183". stunned i look at my ticket in disbelieve and went out to wait for another two more hours.turns out the ticket holder 2138 is a 73 year old lady no wonder the doctor stare at me like tat. OMG damn malu i no face liao. wont go back to the polyclinic for consultation even if i die...
i was down with rashes today because i was allergic to CHOCOLATES yes you didnt see it wrong chocolates!!! haish damn saded. look to the brighter side i dont really like chocolates to begin with.
anw rashes is not the main point... oh wait it is! because i had rashes i had to leave school early today. it felt really weird. then right when i got home i was sent off again by my grandmother to the polyclinic to see a doctor. and because of swine flu i had to queue up for 15 mins to take my tempt. and head off to the main entrance with a mask that restrict my breathing so much i almost hyperventilated. but wait thats not the main point. the main point is that i waited for two hours before i saw the no. 2138 flash across the queue no. flashing thing. i took a look at my ticket any "hey looks like my no. lets go in" when i got in the first thing the doctor did was stare at me weirdly. i sat down.he asked me to confirm my no. again i said 2183. he stares at me with a amused look and say" yup i called for 2138 not 2183". stunned i look at my ticket in disbelieve and went out to wait for another two more hours.turns out the ticket holder 2138 is a 73 year old lady no wonder the doctor stare at me like tat. OMG damn malu i no face liao. wont go back to the polyclinic for consultation even if i die...
samantha sammy sammie matong haitong huiting sam
me myself and i :D
@ to be a TOUGH BITCH and not let A LEVELS get in her way
@ to chill out and stop worrying that geog requires her to write two essays in 20 mins
@ more sleep
@ to do more with her blog...seriously i suck at IT